The Institute for Christian Formation
An Easter Triptych:
A Project Celebrating the 50 Days of Easter
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Easter isn’t just one day – it is fifty days of rejoicing and feasting and celebrating! Beginning on Easter Sunday, the fifty days continue through the Solemnity of Pentecost – literally the 50th day! Celebrate the entire Easter Season by creating an Easter Triptych. You can download the template here. Print it out on a heavy stock white paper. The three outer panels celebrate three major feasts of Easter: Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord, the Ascension of the Lord, and Pentecost Sunday.
Be creative in decorating each panel for the given feast. Draw a picture or an icon, decorate the panels with symbols of the feast, or write a poem or prayer for the feast.
Resurrection (Detail)
14th Century, Macedonian
Iconographer: Manuel Panselinos

There are many ways you can use your triptych during the 50 days of Easter. Below are some suggestions, or decide on your own how to use your Easter creation!
Post your Easter Triptych in a prominent place in your home – perhaps on your refrigerator – to remind you of the 50 days of the Easter Season.
Fold your Easter Triptych and glue, staple, or tape it to form a standing centerpiece, which you can then keep on your dining room table or your home or classroom prayer table during the Easter Season.
Create numerous Easter Triptychs, or make one and then copy it (preferably color copies on heavy stock white paper). You can then fold your triptych and write a note on the inside center. Use your new “Easter Season” card to write thank you notes, get well wishes, or any type of greeting during these 50 days of Easter. Send your greeting, or better yet, deliver it in person. You could even put your card in the center of an Easter Basket as a lovely gift during these 50 days of Easter. Include some cookies (perhaps in the shape of lilies or butterflies or other resurrection symbols), a few decorated Easter Eggs, and some traditional Easter bread. (Suggestions for a different traditional Easter Bread are posted on our Facebook page each week during this Easter Season.)
You have heard of going Christmas Caroling. Well…this year go out in your neighborhood, retirement center, nursing home, etc., and sing some Easter hymns… and bring along an Easter Triptych and treat for each person you serenade! You can download a few Easter hymns below:
Your Easter Triptych will help you celebrate these 50 days, and will also be a wonderful reminder to all with whom you share your gift that Easter is an entire season - seven weeks plus a day – 50 days of alleluias!